Summer Research Meeting 2018


24 - 26 July, Downing College, University of Cambridge

Summer Research Meetings

The MSDG organises three Research Meetings per year, one in the summer, one just before Christmas and an Early Career Researchers' meeting. These meetings are informative and inspiring events which give opportunity to both established and up-and-coming younger researchers to disseminate and discuss their findings in a friendly and constructive environment.
The MSDG is particularly keen to promote the work and activities of younger researchers so participation of students and postdoctoral researchers is most welcome. 

Invited Speakers

Dr Ian Scott

Moltex Energy

Dr Dion Vaughan

Metalysis Ltd

Prof Tom Welton

Imperial College London
(After dinner speaker)

Prof George Chen

University of Nottingham

The Fray Lecture 2018

This year, the MSDG establishes a new named Lecture - The Fray Lecture in honour of Professor Derek Fray's outstanding achievements in fundamental Molten Salts research and its commercialisation. 

The first Fray Lecture will be given by Professor Derek Fray FRS, University of Cambridge. 

Confirmed Speakers

"One electro-functional ionic liquid, many electrochemical applications concept"
"Thermogalvanic waste-heat-to-electricity conversion: Ionic liquids or aqueous electrolytes?"
  • Prof. A Watson, Coventry University, UK.
"The Modelling of Phase Equilibria, and the Materials Chemistry Committee of the IOM3."


The Meeting will take place at Downing College, Cambridge, CB2 1DQ, 24 - 26 July 2018. 

Set in the heart of Cambridge, Downing is one of the most picturesque colleges and just a short distance from the main train station. Limited on-site over-night accommodation (nights of 24th and 25th) is available on a first-come-first-served basis. 

Please let us know as soon as possible if you require a room by e-mailing Dr Anna Croft  


  • On-site registration will be from 12:00 July 24th and the meeting will commence at 14:00. Click here for the meeting flyer.
  • Theme and format: the Summer Research Meeting accepts papers for both oral (up to 30 minutes including 5 minutes discussion) and posters (A1 or A0) presentations in all areas of the science and technology of ionic liquids and molten salts.
  • Abstract submission: those wishing to present are encouraged to e-mail Dr Paul Coxon with the title of your contribution as early as possible.
         Abstract template (.doc) is available here

Payment via Paypal (below),
or by Bank Transfer, Purchase Order or Invoice

Registration rates
Commercial presentations relevant to molten salts and ionic liquids research and industry are welcome at MSDG Meetings. These are mostly posters, brochures, electronic displays (e.g. on a computer screen) with information on company profiles, products and recruitment information. Please contact Dr Stuart Mucklejohn for pricing.
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